Albert Einstein once said: “The most powerful force in the universe is compound interest”
So why don´t use it and turn a small investment of $1,000 into a 1 Million or more?
One example:
Monthly forex earnings: 100 pips
Starting Bankroll: 1,000 USD, EUR etc
Signal Provider uses 50 pips StopLoss
You decide to risk only 5% of your bankroll per trade, which is 50usd.
So you set your Lot size to 1 mini lot.
After 1 month you earn 100 pips, which aprox. equals to 100usd.
So you have just made 10% of your Bankroll (BR)
Now you have $1,100.
So as you risk 5% per trade, which is now $55 you can increase your lot size to 1.1 mini lot.
After second month and 100 pips earnings you earn $110 usd
Now you have $1,210 and you can increase your lot size to 1.2 mini lot.
And so on....
Let´s do some calculations now.
This way you earn about 10% of your BR monthly.
it would be $1,200 /year , but if you compound your earnings monthly as
shown above, you earn $2,138 usd , so your total BR after one year will
be $3,138 !!!
Do you see the difference, instead of 100% profit you get 200%.
Now you can play with any interest calculator and see yourself how much you can earn in couple of years.
Just a sneak preview of total size of your BR if compounding 10% monthly:
Starting capital: $1,000
1. year: $3,138
2. year: $9,000
5. years: $243,000
7. years: $2,187,000
here comes question...what is a max. lot size allowed by your broker,
because it is obvious you can not go to billions, but I quess you have
realized by now that with a reliable SP that do not risk your money with
huge DrawDown, little starting capital and patience you can become rich
in 5,6,7 or eight years.
Enjoy and Happy Trading
Click here to auto-copy and follow my trades
...did you know that by auto-copying a simple forex strategy, using a power of compounding and some time you can turn a small investment into millions?