Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Daily Forex Trading Affirmations

AutoCopy Our Trades

Silver Investment Fund offers:

- Professionally managed forex fund
- High Profits
- Low Risk (only 1% per trade)
- Free Signals
- Auto Trading
- Low DrawDown
- High Returns

Click below and simulate your potential profits:

Silver Investment Fund Profit Calculator

Here are couple of great affirmations to improve your trading on forex:

1. “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve” – Napoleon Hill

2. “I am a successful trader”

3. “I am consistently following my trading plan”

4. “I have a Forex trading journal and I use it”

5. “I practice proper risk management”

6. “I trade according to what the market IS doing, not what I think it ‘should’ be doing”

7. “I will only take trades that give me a reward which clearly outweighs my risk”

8. “I will find other things to do besides watching my trades after they are live”

9. “I am not emotionally affected by my profits or losses”

10. “I try to trade with the dominant daily trend as much as possible”

11. “Instead of over-trading, I will be patient and let trading opportunities present themselves to me”

12. “I’m a professional trader and thus I will not engage in gambling my money in the markets”

13. “I will not interfere with my trades without just cause”

14. “News and fundamentals will not influence my trading decisions”

15. “I am happy to take a profit and I will not be greedy”

16. “I invest in my trading education & myself”

17. “I believe in my trading strategy completely and whole heartedly”

18. I will follow and auto copy Silver Investment Fund´s trades :)